C.S. Nicolăescu Plopșor și Bugiulești – partea V
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După ce am aflat în articolele anterioare detalii despre descoperirile de la Bugiulesti, este momentul să redăm informații despre metoda de cercetare a lui Plopșor, precum și despre lucrările sale.
One could say that in the 1960s the new phase of understanding and knowledge of the Paleolithic in Romania was due primarily to Plopsor. As for research methods and interpretation of the Paleolithic, Plopșor was the first to organize the complex system of interdisciplinary research. At Baia de Fier, Ohaba Ponor, or Bugiulești , and later at Bicaz or Portile de Fier, archaeologists concerned with problems of the Paleolithic worked in the same group with archaeologists specializing in later periods – Ancient or Medieval History – and with anthropologists, paleontologists, geostratigraphers, ethnographers, and folklorists.He was first to see that only this type of research could reconstruct stages of social development from vanished historical periods.