Villa romana de la Vistea (jud. Cluj)

Subiect: THE ROMAN VILLA AT VISTEA (CLUJ COUNTY) The authors describe their own rescue excavation at Vistea -”Paluta”, 16 km North-West from Cluj-Napoca (fig. 1). The site is situated on a terrace on one side of the ancient main imperial Roman road of Dacia, Napoca-Porolissum. The point is well-known in the old literature for Roman traces found accidentally, being supposed there a Roman villa. But only in 1998 were identified the first Roman buildings, in the excavation described by the two authors. There were trenched, probably, two big Roman buildings, having stone walls (fig. 2). The walls are made of local limestone, and they were 0,70 m wide. One room was, partially excavated. Inside there was a lot of pottery (fig. 3), even the stamped category(fig. 4), an iron Roman brooch (fig. 5/14), an iron tool used in agriculture (fig. 5/17) and many iron nails (fig. 5/15-16), coming, probably, from the wooden structure of the roof. A few tiles and some fragments of tegulae mammatae demonstrated that some rooms had also a heating system. That means the building was used for living, even some parts could have been places for stocking farming products, or connected with some manufacture workshops. In conclusion, the monumental buildings from “Paluta” belonged to a Roman villa, situated in the territory of the Roman municipium of Napoca.

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