Spaturile arheologice in asezarea din epoca romana de la Supuru de Jos – Togul Cosmi

Subiect: ARCHAEOLOGICAL DIGGINS IN THE ROMAN EPOCH SITE FROM SUPURU DE JOS – TOGUL COSMI Being a part of an ample project regarding the map drawing of the archaeological vestiges from Crasna Valley (Satu Mare county), there were made a lot of tests in the point named Supuru de Jos-Tagul Cosmi. The area is situated in the North of Supuru de Sus village and to the West of the national road 19A, on the lefi: terrace of Crasna river. The terrace is strongly eroded, on the slope under the vegetal stratum (0,25-0,30 m) one can already find sterile soii. The situation is different on the basement of the terrace, where the superior stratum is thicker, because of earth leaking from the slope. The 2nd complex was outlined in section S. as a black spot. It was opened a square on the Northern part of the section as well in the Southern one. In the Southern surface it was outlined, alsa, a pit (C3) with mediaeval pottery fragments and clay weights. The filling of the 2″d complex was made of dark and spongy soii. In profile (pi. II) it was noticed a substantial yellow clay lens and in the bottom a number of gray lenses. The complex is oval, with an entrance in one side, with sloping walls and flat bottom with slight level variations. The two pits could be considered as pillar pits. In the central area it was discovered a grinder.

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