Elemente de spiritualitate dacica in Nord-Vestul Romaniei


Subiect: ELEMENTS OF DACIAN SPIRITUALITY IN NORTH-WESTERN ROMANIA The Dacian period discoveries with a spiritual character are mostly concentrated to the region of Magura Moigradului and the city of Simleu Silvaniei, with its sites called Observator, Cetate, Uliul cel Mic and downtown. The assembly of discoveries concerning these points prove ritual-cultic manifestations at the dacians whom have lived here. On the territory of Salaj County there were found traces of funeral rituals practices in the city of Simleu Silvaniei. In 1997 the County Art and History Museum from Zalau provided artifacts that made the museum to open a rescue excavation at Simleu Silvaniei, M. Eminescu Street, no. 12 (Orhegy). Analyzing the found pieces (two belt buckles, the spearhead, knife or sword fragments, fibula, bit ring, applique, melted glass, etc.) made us believe that we are dealing with two dacian incineration graves, unique at this moment in the north-western part of Romania.

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  1. Carturesti
  2. Litera
  3. Librex
  4. Libris
  5. Cartepedia
  6. Okian.ro
  7. Librarie.net
  8. Compania de Librarii Bucuresti
  9. Anticexlibris

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