secolul 2

Viata spirituala din Banatul roman in perioada secolelor II-III p.Chr

Subiect: „The present approach is a synthesis of data, published in the field literature, concerning the spiritual life in Roman Dacia south-western area, namely the territory of the Banat. The study contains two sections: religions, presented according to the classic way relating to the origin (Greco-Roman, Oriental, Egyptian, Celto-Germanic, Thraco-Moesic), and ecclesiastic buildings (archeologically investigated, epigraphic certified or only presumed); it aims to outline and also to upgrade the image of the spiritual life in the south-western area of Dacia, on the basis of the latest discoveries and published works. We might find out the existence of a religious diversity and heterogeneity due to or correlated either with the religious policy of the imperial house, or the believers’ ethnic origin and social position. The large settlements and military centers played an important role in the spiritual life there; as from the social categories, the soldiers had a significant impact. The epigraphic monuments containing names of dignitaries from the capital of the province, or of officials coming from other towns prove the Banat integration in Roman Dacia, included the spiritual life.” Citeste mai mult

Raport preliminar privind cercetarile arheologice de la Rapoltu Mare-La Vie, campania 2017

Subiect: „The archaeological campaign from 2017 was held from May 22 to August 12, and between October 20 to November 10, with the main purpose of continuing the research of the previous years in the area SpI and opening a new research unit toward the center of the terrace from Rapoltu Mare-La Vie, where the noninvasive investigations indicated the presence of important buildings. They were identified parts of buildings belonging to the second and third centuries AD, and also prehistoric structures from Paleolithic, Neolithic and Bronze Age.” Citeste mai mult

Lacate romane din colectia Muzeului Banatului Montan Resita

Subiect: „In the collections of the Banat Highland Museum from Resita, among other artifacts dated in the roman period we have also five objects whose functionality has not yet been fully clarified. So, in this article we would like to present and discuss three fragmentary roman padlocks and two fragmentary chains belonging also to a padlock. They have all been found in the roman quadriburgium from Gornea-Caunita de Jos and dated in the Ivth century AD. Been discovered in the late roman fortifications, all five of them are linked with the military activity and we can presume that they have been used for securing money, equipment or even to restraint someone.” Citeste mai mult

Atelierele de caramidarie din canabele de la Apulum

Subiect: „For Dacia a distinctive feature was created in the military brick workshops, especially those of Legio XIII Gemina, known throughout the stamps inlaid on the building material with the name of the legion or by disposing an anthroponym side by side the legion denomination. One may notice a first category of legion stamped bricks where the name appears (LEG XIII, LEG XIII G, LEG XIII GEM, LEG. XIII.GE associated or not with imperial epithets like P(ia).F(idelis), granted apparently by Antoninus Pius, or by using the imperial name of ANT(oniniana) issued by emperors Caracalla or Septimius Severus).” Citeste mai mult

Ipostaze iconografice ale lui Eros/ Amor pe discul opaitelor descoperite la Tomis (secolele I–III p. Chr.)

Subiect: „Metropola prin excelenta, Tomis imparte alaturi de Histria si Callatis onoarea de a fi printre primele centre urbane atestate pe teritoriul romanesc. Colonie greceasca la origine, Tomis se remarca si prin descoperirile de factura romana, multe dintre acestea fiind unicat pe teritoriul romanesc. Peisajul promontoriului tomitan pare sa fi oferit conditii favorabile de debarcare pentru acesti navigatori priceputi, iar mai tarziu pentru corabiile romane.” .

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Contributii la istoria militara a provinciei Moesia I. 1. Propunere pentru lectura unei stampile militare inca nerezolvate

Subiect: Printre tiglele stampilate de epoca romana (secolele I-III d. Hr.), dar si din epoca romana tarzie (secolele IV-III) descoperite in urma sapaturilor arheologice din fortificatiile provinciei Moesia Inferior se afla un numar de trei, respectiv cinci tigle cu stampila in cartus dreptunghiular care contin literele C E M E L. Autorul evidentiaza ca lectura stampilei a ramas nesolutionata.

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Un vas antropomorf descoperit la Jupa (Tibiscum)

Subiect: Autorul prezinta un vas antropomorf descoperit la Jupa (Tibiscum). Piesa are dimensiuni relativ reduse: inaltime: 10,8 cm, diametrul gurii – 2,6 cm, diametrul fundului – 4 cm. Autorul considera ca dimensiunea redusa a acestuia ar putea constitui un criteriu prin care i se poate explica functionalitatea, posibil fiind un recipient de pastrat uleiuri sau parfumuri (unguentarium). Articolul cuprinde fotografii

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Observatii asupra asezarilor rurale din Dacia romana si postromana (sec. II-VI) pina la venirea slavilor

Subiect: Studiul cuprinde o serie de consideratii privitoare la asezarile rurale din Dacia in perioada secolelor II-VI (pana la venirea triburilor slave). Observatiile se bazeaza pe materialul arheologic descoperit in regiune. Autorul evidentiaza faptul ca asezarile mai bogate (case din caramida sau piatra, material arheologic bogat, ustensile si obiecte) sunt specifice colonistilor romani, asezarile bastinasilor fiind mult mai modeste.

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