Lacate romane din colectia Muzeului Banatului Montan Resita

Subiect: „In the collections of the Banat Highland Museum from Resita, among other artifacts dated in the roman period we have also five objects whose functionality has not yet been fully clarified. So, in this article we would like to present and discuss three fragmentary roman padlocks and two fragmentary chains belonging also to a padlock. They have all been found in the roman quadriburgium from Gornea-Caunita de Jos and dated in the Ivth century AD. Been discovered in the late roman fortifications, all five of them are linked with the military activity and we can presume that they have been used for securing money, equipment or even to restraint someone.”

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Sursa: Biblioteca Digitala

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  1. Carturesti
  2. Litera
  3. Librex
  4. Libris
  5. Cartepedia
  8. Compania de Librarii Bucuresti
  9. Anticexlibris

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