To whom does Transylvania belong?
10 minutes read!
An interesting conflict which involved Romanians from actual Petriș village and the Saxons(Germans) from actual Satu Nou (New Village) took place in 1366. The conflict is about the ownership of a forest. The most important thing to note is that king Ludovic I (1342 – 1382) himself went to Bistrița and asked judge Ubeldus Tumels to resolve this litigiation. The document that contains the decision of the court was published in 1884, in „Familia” magazine, by the academician Atanasie Marian Marienescu, document that was extracted from the „Documente privitoare la Istoria Românilor” (Documents regarding the history of Romanians) book, published by Romanian Academy, vol. I, 2nd part, pag. 112-118. Here is the content of this document (this is an approximate translation, because the document was written into a 19th century Romanian language, slightly different from the one spoken today, with words that are not used anymore):