Un atelier de artizanat la Dierna (Orsova)

Subiect: An artisan workshop at Dierna (Orsova) During the excavations in the vear 1968 at Orsova in the section JI-JII (fig. 1) there were discovered some remains of walls (a-d), boWld with mortar (fig. 2) and near the wall a) there was an ellipsoid shaped platform ( 1,20 X 1 m) slightly concave, constructed of river stones. The earth being heavily burnt the platform was considered to be the floor of a furnace. The shape of the construction, however, could not be established, because the walls continue beneath a modern school-building.

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  1. Carturesti
  2. Litera
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  4. Libris
  5. Cartepedia
  6. Okian.ro
  7. Librarie.net
  8. Compania de Librarii Bucuresti
  9. Anticexlibris

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