Tarabostele de la Cetateni


Subiect: The Tarabostes from Cetateni The archaeological site at Cetateni is one of the most important residence of its kind for the Geto-Dacian warrior elites, due to its affiliation to the military alliance that built the Dacian kingdom in the Orastie mountains, fact that is substantiated by the fortress, the graves and weapons discovered here. A second reason that highlights the importance of this site is the trading and production role held in that period, the root of a long period of prosperity. Both aspects make the status, the importance and the power of these military and political elites; recalling among them the founders or rulers that controlled the fortress, the gorge and the whole settlement here a bit more clear.

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  1. Carturesti
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  8. Compania de Librarii Bucuresti
  9. Anticexlibris

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