Spatii si functionalitati in constructiile dacice clasice. O perspectiva etno-arheologica

Subiect: Spaces and Functionalities of the Dacian Buildings. An Etno-Archeological Perspective The buildings presenting the „absida” (that is a room in a horseshoe form) meant to be lived in, are from the point of view of their nature of two kinds: permanent or temporary. The majority of these building plans are similar to the big circular sanctuary of Sarmizegetusa Regia and to the round sanctuary of Racos, the „absida” presenting in all cases an orientation according to the solstice (N01th-West or North-North-West orientation). The „absida” in houses, having in view the total lack of inventory, might be by excellence the divinity, as well as we find this sort of Spaces predestinated to serve into this purpose at in the „absida” were venerated protecting divinities, but one cannot say anything certain in this respect. The ethnographic analogies of these type are meeting on Platforma Luncanilor, having agro-pastoral destinations, the constructs being raising for economics necessities. The designs and scope of those constructions, the material using and the inventory)’ discovered reflect the material and social circumstances, that one’s belonged to elite and constitute a sign of walks of life in the centuries B.C. I – I A.C.

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