Raport privind cercetarile arheologice de la Romula, compania din anul 2006


Subiect: Report Regarding the Archeological Researches from Romula. The Campaign from 2006 The latest archaeological excavations in the northern pottery district of Romula Roman town continued a long tradition started in 1965 by first excavations conducted by Dr. Gheorghe Popilian. In fact, most of his studies on Roman pottery, including Ceramica romana din Oltenia (Roman Pottery from Oltenia) have the base in over 30 years of archaeological excavations in this sector of the town. In 2006 there continued to be excavated a Roman building on the west side of the road to Acidava, and other four trenches were made in the south-west of this sector for to find the limits of the pottery quarter. In this last trenches were found four pits of late 2nd century and early of 3rd century A.D., the fortification elements of the middle of 3rd century A.D. and also two pits that are latter than Roman Period, but there were not enough information to date them.

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