Piese de gliptica romana aflate in colectia Muzeului Judetean Gorj „Alexandru Stefulescu”, din Targu Jiu


Subiect: „This article brings into question the gems collection of the Gorj County Museum „Alexandru Stefulescu”, from Targu Jiu, consisting from eight Roman intaglios. This collection is relatively recent, the gems being purchased through archaeological research since 1997, as well as from donations from metal detectors discoveries. Some of them were published in 2012, then again in 2018, but with fewer details. The gems acquired through archeological research were discovered on the territory of the county, on the occasion of preventive or systematic research, in sites from the Roman era, or even from the Middle Ages like Bumbesti Jiu, Capreni. The gems were made of carnelian and were engraved with simple subjects like the man with ship rudder, deities like Minerva Pacifera, Faunus, Diana, mythological subjects like Omphale, animals like goat, fantastic beings as Medusa or the motif dextrarum iunctio.”

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Sursa: Biblioteca Digitala

Poți să ne susții cumpărând cărți de la Carturesti, Litera, Librex, Libris, Cartepedia, Librarie.net, Okian.ro, Compania de Librării București, Anticariat-Unu sau Anticexlibris folosind linkurile de mai jos:

  1. Carturesti
  2. Litera
  3. Librex
  4. Libris
  5. Cartepedia
  6. Okian.ro
  7. Librarie.net
  8. Compania de Librarii Bucuresti
  9. Anticexlibris

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