Participarea trupelor auxiliare din Moesia Inferior la razboaiele dacice

Subiect: The participation of Moesia Inferior’s auxiliary units to the Dacian Wars Starting from the new epigraphically data I tried to establish how many auxiliary units from the Moesia Inferior province participated at the Trajan’s Dacian Wars and when this happened. I considered that the Moesia Inferior’s army had not been involved in the military operations at the beginning of the First Dacian War. This involvement took place, in my opinion, after the Dacian’s attack on the province in the winter 101-102. I also considered that five alae and 11 or 12 cohorts were implicated in the wars, as we found out from our direct sources.

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Sursa: Biblioteca Digitala

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  2. Litera
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  8. Compania de Librarii Bucuresti
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