Locuirea din secolele I-II p. Chr. de la Roman (Punctul Arhiepiscopie)


Subiect: „In the year 2015 preventive excavations were carried out in the courtyard behind the old Roman bishop, the current Archiepiscopate of Roman and Bacau. Near the enclosure wall were discovered 210 medieval tombs and six other bronze-age tombs. On the surface of the cemetery were also Dacian and Roman ceramic fragments, from mugs, amforetes, bowls and amphoras. The pottery indicates the presence of a Dacian dwelling level, dated from the second half of the Ist century to the end of the IInd century AD.”

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Sursa: Biblioteca Digitala

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  1. Carturesti
  2. Litera
  3. Librex
  4. Libris
  5. Cartepedia
  6. Okian.ro
  7. Librarie.net
  8. Compania de Librarii Bucuresti
  9. Anticexlibris

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