Limesul porolissensis – O noua linie de aparare zid, santuri, turnuri – descoperita in fata complexului militar roman de la Porolissum

Subiect: Limes Porolissensis – New Defensive Line (Ditches, Wall, Towers) Discovered in Front of the Roman Military site Porolissum from Dacia Porolissensis In the north-western part of the Dacia province, on the natural frontier which comprises the Wes-tern Carpathians Mountains and includes the Meses Mountains, to the West, is the Roman military complex called Porolissum. The natural frontier of the Western. Carpathians cannot be readily crossed here. The only valleys which permit easy access are: a) the valley of the Mures, a river which meanders through the southern part of these mountains and. b) the small valley of Ortelec, in the northern part, which includes the pass known as Meses Gate. Until now, the limes for the north-western part of the Dacia province was recorded as coincident with the peaks of the Meses Mountains, where watch towers were located. The Meses Gate pass and its adjacent region arc defended by Roman forts, site on the Pomet and Citera Hills.

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